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Great care and effort has been taken to present the styles on our website to match their original color. We always try to minimize color variations between the actual product and that displayed on the screen. However, the colors of the styles shown on the website may vary slightly from the original product due to various reasons such as: variations in monitor resolution levels, having the minimum color setting in your Monitor Display Properties or setting the brightness and contrast levels of your monitor to low or high values. If you have any questions please contact us at [email protected]

All Diana Corduroy Skinnies are not included in holiday promotions.

Out BOGO 50% off offer can not be combined with any other offer. When returning items purchased using the BOGO 50% off promotion the amount that you paid for the item returned will be the amount that is refunded. If you have any questions please contact us at https://www.kutfromthekloth.com/contacts
